Spot Mesotherapy

Skin spots can arise from a variety of reasons including birthmarks, medication usage, acne-prone skin, infections, genetic predispositions, and sun exposure. These spots, which create an uneven color appearance on the skin and can lead to insecurity in a person's social life, are being treated today with various techniques. In treating such stubborn skin issues as spots, creams and lotions often don't suffice. Procedures directed by a dermatologist, however, can yield effective results in spot treatment.

Skin spots can form due to different causes. It's crucial in spot treatment to thoroughly examine the skin's texture and to take a patient's history. Skin spots can develop from factors such as prolonged sun exposure, genetic tendencies, skin diseases, and hormonal shifts. Acne and pimples can also lead to spot formation. The most vital step in spot treatment is accurately determining the causes. This is because there are many subtypes of skin spots, and each type requires a different treatment approach. Today, there are numerous methods applied for spot treatment. One of these methods is mesotherapy targeted at spots.

While spots don't pose any health concerns, they disrupt the youthful and healthy appearance of the skin. This can lead to a loss of confidence in social settings. Many individuals suffering from spot issues try to resolve the problem with creams, concealers, and other cosmetic products. However, with today's spot mesotherapy, highly effective results can be obtained. Thanks to modern technology, skin spot treatments can be conducted using various methods. These include laser, carbon laser, mesotherapy, dermapen, and gold needle applications.

Everyone battling spot issues naturally expects lasting results from treatments. Yet, at this point, sun protection is crucial. Even if spots are completely treated, insufficient sun protection can lead to their recurrence. If skincare isn't diligently maintained after the treatment, and if no measures against the sun are taken, spots can reappear. Additionally, the recurrence of hormonal changes and illnesses causing spots can also result in the reformation of spots.

Spot mesotherapy can be applied to anyone over the age of 18 without health problems. Given that the application uses skin-compatible substances, such as vitamins, minerals, and tranexamic acid, the risk of side effects is low. However, for the treatment to be effective, it's recommended to be repeated at least 3-6 times at intervals of 15-20 days. How frequently the procedure should be applied depends on the individual's skin type and characteristics.