
Meso-Botox is one of the popular aesthetic procedures preferred worldwide today. It's often chosen by those who desire a more natural look from an aesthetic procedure. Gaining popularity not just globally but also in our country, meso-botox is administered at our clinic.

Meso-Botox is a combination of mesotherapy and botox applications. Botox is a procedure where botulinum toxin is injected into the muscles and nerves of the area where wrinkles are observed. In meso-Botox, the injection is not made into the muscle structure but into the fat tissue of the underlying layers, thereby preserving the skin's moisture balance and elasticity.

The term "Meso-Botox" represents the fusion of “mesotherapy” and “botox” procedures. Mesotherapy is a treatment method that nourishes and supports the middle layer of the skin. In the meso-Botox procedure, which is formed by combining the materials and techniques used in both methods, diluted botulinum toxin may sometimes be used. Products used in mesotherapy, like hyaluronic acid, can be added to the dose for dilution. Just as in botox treatments, injections are made with fine needles. Before the procedure, the area to be treated is numbed with a local anesthetic cream. The duration of the meso-Botox application is slightly longer than the botox procedure. The entire process is completed within approximately 30 minutes.

The meso-Botox procedure, just like botox, is performed to prevent redness and sagging in the skin. After the treatment, one achieves a youthful, radiant, and vibrant skin appearance. Since it's a procedure that increases the skin's moisture capacity, it gives brightness to the skin. It aids in tightening sagging areas, lightening fine lines, and sharpening the jawline. The effect of the meso-Botox application lasts for an average of 6 - 9 months. This duration can vary depending on the individual's skin type, age, and the administered dose.