Chin Filler

The harmony between the chin and facial shape significantly contributes to the overall beauty of the face. However, genetic factors and the aging process can lead to deviations of the chin tip and jawline from their ideal form, causing changes in the aesthetic proportions of the face. Chin fillers can address these issues effectively.

Chin fillers can correct the following problems:

  • Retraction of the chin tip
  • Pointed chin tip
  • Broad chin tip
  • Asymmetry in the chin tip
  • Dimpled appearance on the chin
  • Loss of definition in the jawline (jawline)
  • Sagging in the jawline (jawline)

Chin fillers enhance the jawline, offering a younger and more attractive appearance. With filler injections to the chin tip, a more oval shape is created for women and a broader form for men, giving the face a more appealing look. For those with a receded chin tip, chin fillers can enhance the profile view of the face. A deep dimple on the chin gives a masculine appearance, which can be a significant concern for women. This appearance can be entirely corrected with chin fillers. Although hyaluronic acid-containing fillers are most commonly used for chin enhancement, fillers containing polycaprolactone and calcium hydroxyapatite have been successfully used in recent years.

During the chin filler procedure, an anesthetic cream is applied or local anesthesia is administered with an injection to reduce pain. Afterward, a cannula, a non-pointed needle, is used to inject the filler into the appropriate areas of the chin. This shifts a receded chin tip forward and makes a pointed chin more oval. It also enhances the definition of the jawline. The chin filler procedure is completed in approximately 15 minutes. After the chin filler procedure, one can immediately return to daily life.

The longevity of the chin filler varies based on the quality and type of filler material used. Generally, the results last between 1.5 to 2 years.